Tag Archives: facepalm

Spelling Misfires!

One would think that if a newspaper is going to write a headline critical of the performance of Australia’s 4×100 freestyle swimming team, that one should make sure one doesn’t misspell that headline. Enter, the Herald-Sun: Misile? I’m sure they meant “missile”…right? Misfire.

Barnaby Joyce: Pwned!

Massive Barnaby Joyce facepalm just now on Twitter, with this tweet, followed by this tweet from Tony Burke, the target of his attack: Pwned Barnaby! I wonder if he is really at the almond orchard?

Headline of the Day: Taking the Piss

Almost spat my cup of tea all over my laptop screen when I looked at this tag headline as it appeared on the Herald Sun website this afternoon. Snapped penis? Surely the headline writers are taking the piss on a Friday afternoon! Of course, the “snapping of the penis” referred to in the article involved […]